Friday, July 2, 2010

Uruguayan Designer - Laura Ocampo

By chance, I ran accross this wonderful interior designer from my neck of the world. You often don't think of designers as coming from South America but rather Europe or the U.S. But this lovely designer reminds me a lot of my own style and furniture collection -- clean and white and very refreshing. Laura Ocampo's work is absolutely beautiful and minimalistic. Take a look at some of her work below.

First, this beautiful house by the sea, in the countryside of Uruguay, is a great example of Laura Ocampo's simple but stylish work.
"I wished to create a design in which the cool of the sea would be combined with the relaxed atmosphere of the countryside. It became a starting point for the creation of this interior," says Laura.
Walls are painted with a mix of white and blue colors. These two colors are perfectly combined, creating the effect of water, that wonderfully complements the atmosphere.

In addition to these fresh white and blue tones, she is also wonderful at combining modern, bold touches to otherwise dainty antiques. I just love these photos from some of her other work. You can find these and other inspirational photos at her website. And enjoy some background tango while you view them. Her website is wonderful!


  1. I love her designs! I'm moving to a new place in just a few weeks, and these photos are just the inspiration I'm looking for--lots of white, a mix of vintage and modern, and great use of a few bold pieces.

  2. I love Laura's wonderful clean relaxed style. I really love that bedroom


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