I want to especially thank Sandy Foster of My Shabby Streamside Studio blog who did a wonderful post this week on visiting my store here in New Orleans. Her photos are simply amazing!!!! I'm simply humbled and honored. My guest room is always here for you, Sandy.
Sandy is just so amazingly talented. When I think of how she single-handedly (and I mean literally single-handedly) renovated her cottage in the Catskills to be a studio from a fairytale, I feel a tremendous sense of pride in being called her friend.

Thank you, Sandy, for your wonderful post on my store!!!
I also want to thank my dear Claudia Strasser of The Paris Apartment who also included me on a post about "Amazing things my friends are doing." How wonderful is that? To be included not only among her group of friends but also to be told that I'm doing amazing things. Wow. I'm on Cloud 9. Thank you for making my day, Claudia.
Claudia is just simply amazing and when I grow up, I want to be her. :) She is always between here and Paris and arranges for fun girl shopping trips to Paris. If it wasn't for my crazy schedule, I'd be on the next flight to Paris with her. She arranges everything for you to have a wonderful time in Paris, shopping, shipping, dining and all. Just click here for more information.

Thank you, girls, for your friendship!