Okay, so it is all around me everywhere I turn, every blog I read, every magazine I pick up, every channel I switch to ...... So I thought I might as well bite the bullet and address the elephant in the room. Who is getting up at 3 a.m. (4 a.m. for those living in the East Coast and 1 a.m. for you West Coasters) this Friday to watch the "you-know-what"?
Seriously, has time just flown by???? I mean, wasn't it just yesterday when we woke up to watch this?

I can remember it so vividly. I was 13 and I had never heard of Lady Diana Spencer but my entire world and perspective on life would change when my mother got me up at that ungodly hour and told me that a young girl was about to become a princess. I remember being glued to the TV and hearing her nervously stumble as she said, "I, Diana Frances, take thee, Charles, Philip, Arthur, George Mountbatten of Windsor..." Yes, I memorized that line!
And then who could have forgotten the famous kiss on the balcony????
From that moment on, all I could think of was of becoming a princess just like Diana. I became fixated with knowing everything about her, her family, her doings. I admit I followed her from that day forward until death did us part. I remember my sister Glenda calling me late one evening (when I was already now a young associate recently graduated from Law School) and waking me from my deep slumber to tell me that Princess Diana had been in an accident. I remember asking, "how bad is it?" And she replied, "it's pretty bad. She may not make it." "Of course she will, silly!" I remember telling her. "People like that just don't die." Whoever heard of the leading actor in your favorite movie dying halfway through the movie???????
But she did.
Now, in just a few days, this little one....
This little one whom I watched from birth as his mother was still a young, beautiful princess..... this little one, who is not so little any more and almost 10 years older than his mother was when she walked down the aisle, is about to be married himself. I can't say that I have followed much of his life after his mother died and I can't say that I know or love Kate Middleton as much as I did Diana, but all of the sudden, as the world prepares for yet another Royal wedding, I think to myself...... Wow, where has all the time gone?????????
Is it just me or do you suddenly feel so very old with the thought of the upcoming Royal Wedding????? The question is, will I wake up my little girl too at 3 a.m. and have her see another young woman become a princess too????
What will you do?